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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Lease extension calculator - for flats

If you want to extend the lease on your flat, you'll need to pay a 'premium' (price) to the landlord. To get an idea of how much the price could be for a 90 year extension, use the lease extension calculator.

What can the calculator do?

If a lease has 60 years or more to run, you can use the calculator to get an estimated price for adding 90 years to the lease.

Extending the lease can increase a flat’s value. If your lease has less than 80 years to run, the landlord gets a share of this increase (called the 'marriage value’). The calculator includes this value if it applies.

To get a more accurate price for extending a lease, you'll need a professional to help you.

How to use this service

To use the lease extension calculator you'll need an idea of the:

  • current value of your leasehold flat (ie its value as it is at the moment)
  • amount of rent (known as ground rent) you pay the landlord each year
  • date your lease started or the number of years left on the lease

You can find this information on the lease.

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