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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Claim Guardian's Allowance (form BG1)

Complete a Guardian's Allowance form from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) if you believe you are entitled to financial help bringing up a child whose parents have died.


Guardian's Allowance is a tax free benefit paid to someone who is looking after a child whose parents have died. In some circumstances it can be paid when only one parent has died. It does not matter how much money you have or how much you earn.

How to use this service

The link below will take you through to the 'BG1 Guardians Allowance Form' page on the HMRC website. Here you can download the claim form and notes to help you fill out the form. It is important to refer to the notes before completing the form.

To access the form you will need a copy of Adobe Reader. Information on how to download this for free is available on the right panel of this page.

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