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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Submit a planning appeal (form S78) (Wales only)

You can appeal against a planning decision using a form from the Planning Inspectorate. Wales only.

How to use this service

You can use this form if your planning application has:

  • been refused
  • not been decided within the appropriate period (usually eight weeks)
  • been granted subject to conditions to which you object
  • been refused or granted subject to conditions to which you object - or any other matter required by a condition attached to a previous planning permission has been refused

The form is available to download in Microsoft Word format or in PDF format. To read PDF files you will need a copy of Adobe Reader. Information on how to download this for free is available on the right panel of this page.

If you want more information before completing your form, read the guidance notes available on the Planning Inspectorate website.

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