Archive Website of the UK government

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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Habitats and landscapes contacts

Organisations specialising in the various habitats and landscapes of the UK

Blue Flag

Contact details for the Blue Flag programme, a voluntary eco-label awarded to beaches and marinas that meet a specific set of criteria. The criteria concerns environmental information, education and management, water quality, and safety and services


Contact details for BTCV, an environmental volunteering charity, offering practical conservation activities all over the UK and further afield

Forest Stewardship Council

Contact details for the Forest Stewardship Council, a charitable organisation which promotes responsible management of the world's forests

National Flood Forum

Contact details for the National Flood Forum, a charity set up to give support and assistance to communities and individuals who have been flooded or are at risk of flooding, and to campaign for flood alleviation

Natural England

Contact details for Natural England, which works to conserve and enhance the natural environment of the English countryside. Natural England brings together English Nature, the Countryside Agency and the Rural Development Service

Woodland Trust

Contact details for the Woodland Trust, a national charity dedicated to the protection of the UK's native woodland heritage

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