Archive Website of the UK government

Please note that this website has a UK government accesskeys system.

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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Health and well-being contacts

Information and support on health issues

Action on elder abuse

Contact details for Action on elder abuse, which provides information, advice and support to victims and others who are concerned about or have witnessed abuse.

British Heart Foundation

Contact details for the British Heart Foundation, which provides information, research and care for heart disease in the UK.


Contact information for CancerBACUP. Provides help for people living with cancer.

Department of Health (DH)

Contact details for the Department of Health, which aims to improve health and well-being for the people of England.


Contact details for Extend, which provides recreational movement to music for men and women over 60.

Keep Fit Association

Contact details for the Keep Fit Association, aiming to bring people together with safe and effective exercise.

National Insititute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)

Contact details for NICE, an independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health.

NHS Direct

Contact details for NHS Direct. NHS Direct operates a 24-hour nurse advice and health information service, providing confidential information.


Contact details for the ramblers website, promoting walking and improving conditions in the UK for walkers.

Sport England

Contact information for Sport England, which is committed to the modernisation of sport, driving up skills and improving services across the sector.

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