Archive Website of the UK government

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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Adoption, fostering and children in care contacts

Support organisations for adoptive parents and foster carers, and places to get advice if your child is in care.

Adoption UK

Contact details for Adoption UK, which provides independent support, information and advice on good practice to all concerned with adoption.

British Association of Adoption and Fostering

Contact details for the British Association of Adoption and Fostering, a national charity working for children separated from their birth families.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Contact details for the Citizens Advice Bureau, which has a network of advice centres across the UK.

Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies

Contact details for all voluntary adoption agencies.

Family Rights Group

Contact details for the Family Rights Group, a charity which gives advice to parents and family members whose children are involved with social care services.

Fostering Network

Contact details for the Fostering Network, an organisation which works to ensure that fostered children receive the highest standards of care.


Contact details for FosterTalk, which provides support to foster carers and the children and young people they look after.

New Family Social

Contact details for New Family Social, an organisation run by, and for, lesbian and gay adopters and prospective adopters.

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