Archive Website of the UK government

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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Divorce, relationship breakdown and family courts contacts

Charities, organisations and government departments offering help for parents going through relationship difficulties, divorce or relationship breakdown.

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)

Contact details for CAFCASS, an organisation which looks after the interests of children involved in family proceedings and then advises the courts on what it considers to be in the children's best interests.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

Contact details for the Citizens Advice Bureau, which has a network of advice centres across the UK.

Commmunity Legal Advice

Contact details for Community Legal Advice, an organisation providing help and advice for the general public on a range of common legal issues in England and Wales.

Contact details for, an online relationship service for the UK.

Families Need Fathers

Contact details for Families Need Fathers, an organisation concerned with the problems of maintaining a child's relationship with both parents during and after family breakdown.


Contact details for Gingerbread, a national charity that promotes the welfare of lone parents.

HM Courts Service

Contact details for the HM Courts Service, an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice, which manages the magistrates' courts, the Crown Court, county courts, the High Court and Court of Appeal in England and Wales.

Legal Services Commission

Contact details for the Legal Services Commission, which looks after legal aid in England and Wales.


Contact details for Maypole, a charity supporting women before, during, and after, separation and divorce.


Contact details for Relate, the national charity providing relationship support for couples and families.

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