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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Registering babies born abroad

In most countries babies born as British citizens or babies born to serving members of the British Armed Forces can be registered by the appropriate British authorities. However, you need to request this facility as there is no automatic notification of the birth to UK authorities.

Babies born as British citizens abroad

You can go to either the British High Commission or the British Consul in most countries to register a birth. Birth certificates are issued by these authorities and can be used as proof of British citizenship, British Dependant Territories citizenship or British Overseas citizenship.

Your overseas registrations will be processed in the UK within 12 months, after which time additional certificates can be ordered.

Babies born to serving members of the British Armed Forces

If you are serving in the British Armed Forces abroad when your child is born, you can register the birth with the Forces Family Services or your relevant Registering Officer. You should do this within 12 months.

Useful contacts include:


G1 Compassionate (BMD) Headquarters UKSC
BFPO 140


Personnel Branch Headquarters
British Forces Cyprus


Service Registering Officer
British Gurkhas Nepal

All other areas

Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre
Imjin Barracks
Building 182

Countries in which you are not able to register a birth with British authorities

  • Ascension Islands
  • Australia
  • Bermuda
  • Canada
  • Cayman Islands
  • Christmas Islands
  • Falkland Islands
  • Gibraltar
  • Irish Republic
  • Nevis
  • New Zealand
  • St.Helena
  • South Africa
  • Turks & Cacos Islands
  • Virgin Islands (UK)

In these cases, please contact the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

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