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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Applying for a public appointment

The application process will vary with the post. A major national public appointment will have a more complicated process than a specialist post on a small, advisory committee. Find out more about the process, what appointments are currently available and how the appointment process is monitored and regulated.

Public appointment vacancies

Public appointments are advertised online. To search for details of current vacancies on the boards of UK public bodies and government committees, follow the link below.

The application process

All public appointments are made using processes that are fair, open and transparent. The details of the process will vary according to the post. But in general:

  • the appointment will be made on merit, based on your skills and experience
  • the skills, qualities and experience required will be made clear to you - either in the original advert or in the information pack
  • you will be asked to complete an application form to show how your skills, qualities and experience suit the post you are applying for
  • your application will be assessed - this may involve a formal 'sift' and then an interview
  • the relevant minister, or appointing authority, will make the final selection from those recommended by the interview panel
  • the successful candidate will be sent a letter of appointment and all other applicants informed

The government is committed to promoting diversity in public appointments. Applications from women, members of ethnic minorities, disabled people and other under-represented groups are particularly welcomed.

Commissioner for Public Appointments

There is an independent Commissioner for Public Appointments who regulates, reports on and monitors public appointments processes. She ensures that appointments are made on merit and that care is taken, at every stage, not to discriminate on any grounds.

The Commissioner also provides advice and guidance on the public appointments process.

Visit the website of the Commissioner for Public Appointments to find out more.

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