Archive Website of the UK government

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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Community support groups and organisations

There are a range of both local and national organisations in the UK that can offer you help, advice and support. Your council’s website will usually contain a list them, along with contact details. Use the links below to find your council’s website.

Local services

Trouble keeping up your garden?

Your local council or a support organisation might be able to help

Support organisations offer help, advice and support to many different groups of people, including:

  • older people
  • young people
  • families
  • people involved in the farming industry
  • those living in rural communities
  • people with special needs or disabilities
  • carers
  • students

Your local council’s website will often list local support services and groups and their contact details. The following links will take you to your local authority website where you can find out more.

Support for disabled people, carers and over 50s

If you are disabled or act as a carer, you can find more information about national support groups by visiting the 'Disabled people' and 'Caring for someone' sections on Cross & Stitch.

Cross & Stitch also provides extensive information about support for the over 50s, including advice on health, pensions and help in the home. You can find this advice in the ‘Pensions and retirement planning’ section.

Useful contacts

Additional links

Simpler, Clearer, Faster

Try GOV.UK now

From 17 October, GOV.UK will be the best place to find government services and information

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