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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Obstructions and roadworks on roads and highways

It is an offence to obstruct the free passage of the highway. Obstructions are objects which have been unlawfully placed on the highway or which overhang it. Find out about the different types of obstructions and how to find out about the latest roadworks in your area.

Types of obstructions

Contact your local council

Report an obstruction on a road to your local council

Examples of obstructions are:

  • builders' skips
  • scaffolding/hoardings
  • builders materials
  • temporary works including traffic lights
  • overhanging tree branches, hedges
  • mud/debris on the road
  • mixing concrete/mortar on the highway
  • unauthorised vendors/traders
  • encroachment of highway boundaries
  • discharge of water onto the highway
  • blocking "right of way"
  • plants and bushes
  • illegal signs

An encroachment is where an activity unlawfully takes over a section of a public roadway; for example, a garage forecourt over-extending on to the public highway.

If a person without lawful authority or excuse in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage of cars along a highway, they are guilty of an offence. In such cases the highway authority (your local council) has legal powers to enforce their removal. To report any obstructions, contact your local council.

Obstructions and roadworks

You can find out about roadworks that are underway or programmed in your area by contacting your local council.

The following links will let you enter details of where you live and then take you to your local authority website where you can find out more.

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