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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Referring an estate to the Treasury Solicitor

The Treasury Solicitor deals with solvent estates of people who die without a will (intestate) and without known entitled blood relatives. The following information can help you decide whether to make a referral to the Treasury Solicitor.

When to refer an estate

Before you consider referring an estate to the Treasury Solicitor, ask yourself the following questions:

  • did the deceased leave a valid will and, if so, can I contact the executor and beneficiaries?
  • can I get in touch easily with any blood relatives entitled to the estate?
  • is the estate insolvent? (the estate is insolvent if the deceased has left more debts than funds)

If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes', you should not refer the estate to the Treasury Solicitor as there will be someone else entitled to deal with it – a relative, a person named in the will as executor or beneficiary or, if the estate is insolvent, a creditor.

If the answer is 'no' to these questions, then you can either complete the referral form online or download and return by post to the address below.

If you are in any doubt that this is an estate that should be referred to the Treasury Solicitor, then use the 'referring an estate to the Treasury Solicitor' links below.

Forward completed forms to:

Treasury Solicitor's Office (BV)
One Kemble Street

Tel. 020 7210 3116/3117/3239
Fax. 020 7210 3104

Sending papers and valuables

When you send papers and valuables to the Treasury Solicitor, please follow the procedures below to assist with security and safe transit:

  • all documents of value such as title deeds and share certificates should be scheduled and sent by recorded delivery
  • credit/debit and store cards should be cut before you send them, to avoid fraud
  • all bank or building society passbooks should be scheduled and sent by recorded delivery
  • please do not send cash through the post
  • please make cheques payable to The Treasury Solicitor, and write the case reference and name of the deceased on the back
  • please keep jewellery somewhere safe until the Treasury Solicitor sends you instructions on how to dispose of it

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