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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Making a claim on a deceased’s estate

If you are entitled to an estate which is being dealt with by the Treasury Solicitor, then you need to submit your name and contact information with details of your relationship to the deceased.

Advertisements and when to make a claim

Before administering an estate, the Treasury Solicitor needs to know that there are no entitled blood relatives, the size of the estate and whether the deceased left a valid will.

The Treasury Solicitor makes enquiries for blood relatives and might advertise to trace them. Advertisements can appear on the Bona Vacantia website and in both national and local press. You do not have to wait to see the advertisements to make a claim.

If you believe you are entitled and you are aware that the deceased's estate has been referred to the Treasury Solicitor, then contact the Treasury Solicitor using the 'are you an entitled relative search' on the Bona Vacantia link below

For more information on who is entitled to make or submit a claim and what information is required, then follow the making a claim links below. Or, if the estate does not appear on the website, please contact the Treasury Solicitor using the contact details below.

Other evidence required to prove your claim

Once it has been established that you may be related to the deceased by blood, you will be requested to send a simple family tree showing how your relationship is traced.

You will also need to send two pieces of formal identification evidence: one showing evidence of your name and the other showing evidence of your name linked to your address, dated within the last six months. You may also be asked to forward the relevant supporting birth/death and marriage certificates to help

Get in touch

If you are in any doubt about how to make a claim to the Treasury Solicitor, or need any further information regarding ownerless property (bona vacantia) or the Treasury Solicitor’s requirements, then please get in touch.

Treasury Solicitor's Office (BV)
One Kemble Street

Tel. 020 7210 3116/3117/3239
Fax. 020 7210 3104

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