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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Renewing your driving licence if it was revoked or surrendered for health reasons

You must renew your driving licence after surrendering or having it revoked by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) before you start driving again. Find out what you need to do to re-apply for your driving licence.

Checking your health

You should check with your doctor that you can meet the medical standards of fitness to drive before you re-apply for your driving licence. These standards are set out in the 'At a glance guide to the current standards of fitness to drive'. All medical practitioners have access to this publication.

How to re-apply for your car or motorcycle driving licence

You’ll need to fill in a D1 application form and the medical questionnaire relevant to your condition. The D1 form is available from DVLA's form ordering service or Post Office® branches. You can search the DVLA medical A to Z to find your medical condition and the correct questionnaire for you.

How to re-apply for your lorry or bus driving licence

You’ll need to fill in a D2 application form and the medical questionnaire relevant to your condition. The D2 form is available from DVLA's form ordering service You can search the DVLA medical A to Z to find your medical condition and the correct questionnaire for you.

If you are aged 45 to 65, then you only need to submit a D4 if you have not done so in the last five years. From the age 65, licences are issued for one year and each renewal must be accompanied by a completed medical report form D4.

Change of name

If your name has changed since your last licence was issued, you’ll need to provide evidence of your change of name. The details you provide must show a clear link between the name on your identity document and your current name.

Where to send your application

You can send your completed applications to DVLA by fax or post.

0845 850 0095

Drivers Medical Group
SA99 1TU

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