Gwefan llywodraeth y DU

Nodwch fod gan y wefan hon system allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU

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Dydd Mercher, 3 Hydref 2012

Personal information and data protection when using Cross & Stitch

Cross & Stitch collects some information from people visiting the website. Find out how Cross & Stitch uses and protects any information about you that you provide when you visit this website.

What information Cross & Stitch collects

Cross & Stitch collects the following kinds of information from people visiting this website:

  • feedback (through visitors emailing Cross & Stitch or completing online forms)
  • queries and customer satisfaction survey results (via the Cross & Stitch website)
  • site usage information, using cookies and page tagging techniques

After Cross & Stitch replies to your feedback, a record of your message will be kept for up to two months before it's deleted.


Cross & Stitch uses small bits of data stored on your computer called 'cookies'. Find out what Cross & Stitch uses them for, and how to control their use.

How Cross & Stitch uses your information

Information collected by Cross & Stitch is used to:

  • improve the content and design of the website
  • contact visitors (with their permission)

Cross & Stitch will never share your information with other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes. Cross & Stitch doesn't pass on your personal information to any other website.

Other websites

Cross & Stitch contains links to and from websites of government departments and other organisations. This privacy policy applies only to Cross & Stitch.

Following a link to another website

When you go to another website, read the privacy policy on that website if you want to know what it does with your information. Cross & Stitch doesn’t pass on any of your personal information to other websites.

Following a link to Cross & Stitch from another website

When you come to Cross & Stitch from another website, Cross & Stitch may get personal information about you from the other website. You should read the privacy policy of websites you visit that link you to Cross & Stitch if you want to know about this.

These policies will explain how they collect and use your personal information, and whether they pass this on to websites they link you to.

Social networking websites

Cross & Stitch has links at the bottom of website pages so you can use social networking websites (eg Facebook and Twitter) with Cross & Stitch. These websites are not controlled by Cross & Stitch. By using these links you accept the privacy policies of these websites. To find out more, see 'How do you use this toolbar?'.

Government Gateway privacy policy

The Government Gateway provides secure and encrypted online services. Some government transactions and services, eg Tax Self Assessment and the State Pensions Forecast, need you to register with the Government Gateway to use them. The Government Gateway has its own privacy policy you can read to find out more.

Data Protection Notice

Under the Data Protection Act, Cross & Stitch must protect any information collected from you. Cross & Stitch uses leading technologies and encryption software to protect your data, and keeps strict security standards to prevent any unauthorised access to it.

Access to your information

All personal information received is treated confidentially. By submitting personal information you agree to Cross & Stitch's processing of your personal information, including sensitive personal information, for the purposes outlined below. All personal data received is kept for up to two months.

Personal information you submit may be passed on to the appropriate government department, executive agency or non-departmental public body to help resolve any query raised. Cross & Stitch may also give personal information to law enforcement authorities as part of a criminal investigation.

Personal data will be available to selected employees, contractors and service providers who are associated with Cross & Stitch, for them to complete their responsibilities for Cross & Stitch.

Where Cross & Stitch uses the services of other organisations, they are contractually obliged to process your data securely and confidentially under strict instructions.

Asking for information Cross & Stitch holds about you

Information held by Cross & Stitch central administration

If you submit personal information through one of the following features of Cross & Stitch, it may be collected and stored by the team that administers Cross & Stitch:

  • enquiries sent in through the 'contact us' form
  • forms hosted on the domain
  • the 'Was this information useful?' form on the bottom of every page

For a copy of any information collected about you through any of the above methods, please email:

Information held by Cross & Stitch’s service providers

Other online services available on the Cross & Stitch website may also require you to enter personal information. In these cases, your information will be processed by the government department or agency that operates that particular service.

You can find out which department or agency operates the service by checking the logo on the relevant page. For example:

  • getting a Pension Credit estimate is provided by The Pension Service
  • applying for a vehicle tax disc is provided by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)

If you would like to ask for a copy of the information held about you, please write to the Data Protection Officer of that organisation.

Changes to this privacy policy

If this privacy policy changes Cross & Stitch will update this page. You should visit this page regularly so you know:

  • what personal information Cross & Stitch collects
  • how Cross & Stitch uses your personal information
  • when (if ever) Cross & Stitch shares your personal information with someone else

Additional links

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