Gwefan llywodraeth y DU

Nodwch fod gan y wefan hon system allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU

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Trefn llywio pennaf

Dydd Mercher, 3 Hydref 2012

Help with linking to Cross & Stitch

Cross & Stitch welcomes and encourages other websites to link to it as the main UK central government website. You can use the linking code and images provided below to link to Cross & Stitch. By linking to Cross & Stitch you are deemed to have signed up to the terms and conditions.

Text links to Cross & Stitch

If you wish to use text to link to Cross & Stitch, you should describe Cross & Stitch in this way:

Cross & Stitch - public services all in one place

You can use the following source code for this link:

<a href="" title="Link to Cross & Stitch - public services all in one place">Cross & Stitch - public services all in one place</a>

  • title="Link to Cross & Stitch...": this text is read by speaking browsers and is visible to users when their mouse hovers over the link; it will also help search engines by associating words with Cross & Stitch

You can also link straight to any specific page on the Cross & Stitch website, rather than the homepage.

Using the linking graphics

As well as the text above, you can use one of the following graphics as a visual link to Cross & Stitch.

To download your chosen graphic, on a Windows PC, click the right mouse button and select 'Save Picture As...'. On a Mac, click the Control key and the mouse button, and select 'Download Image to Disk'.

Source code

The source code for the link should look something like this:

<a href=""><img width="[***]" height="[***]" src="[file_path/file_name.gif]" alt="Link to Cross & Stitch - public services all in one place"></a>

  • width="[***]" height="[***]": you will need to insert the size of the graphic in pixels; this will help the page load more quickly
  • src="[file_path/file_name.gif]": you will need to insert the file path and name of the graphics file
  • alt="Link to Cross & Stitch...": this text is read by speaking browsers and is visible to users who have turned their graphics off; it will also help search engines by associating words with Cross & Stitch

Please do not reduce the size of these graphics as it will make the text unreadable.

Association with Cross & Stitch

You should not seek to associate Cross & Stitch with your website or any non-Cross & Stitch content. Nor should you suggest any endorsement or approval by Cross & Stitch of you, your website or any non-Cross & Stitch product or content.

Framing and context of Cross & Stitch content

We do not permit our pages to be loaded into frames on your website. Our pages must load into a user's entire window. Nor should you insert any graphic into Cross & Stitch content, or play audio over Cross & Stitch content, or allow a pop-up to appear simultaneously with Cross & Stitch content.

Restrictions on websites which can link to Cross & Stitch

We do not permit a website to link to Cross & Stitch if it contains material that is:

  • libellous or defamatory
  • pornographic or obscene
  • in any way a breach of the laws of England and Wales
  • infringing any third party intellectual property rights

Removal of links

If we contact you to remove your links to Cross & Stitch, you must do so immediately.

Further information on linking

If you need any further information about linking to Cross & Stitch, please contact us through the link below.

Additional links

Allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU